Monday, August 30, 2010


On Friday's September 17th and October 22nd two more Show Me Marriage Equality Buses will depart from St. Louis and head toward Iowa City, Iowa. Their goal is the freedom to marry! To date our 5 previous Show Me Marriage Equality Buses have transported 71 Missouri couples to Iowa City and helped over 50 additional couples make the trip on their own.

We already have 15 couples making the Fall weddings; however, we are looking for more couples to join. The 55-seat bus we rent can hold up to 15 couples, clergy, wedding photographers and family members. If you are interested in getting married, please send an email to

Our Show Me Marriage Equality Bus expenses run around $3,000 per trip. More than half of that total cost comes from the actual rental of our bus, gas and our driver.

We never want finances to be a reason why a same-sex couple cannot obtain a marriage license. We are asking you to help defray at least half the marriage bus expenses. Please consider making a $20, $35, $50 or $100 contribution today to help our 5th Marriage Equality Bus.

(Your contributions are not tax-deductible; however, if you are looking to make a tax-deductible donation to the Marriage Equality Project please email us at If you wish to designate your contribution toward a particular couple please let us know.)